Unable to run jupyter - error 503

I am getting error 503:service unavailable while trying to run jupyter notebook.
Error screenshot is attached.
Can you please help to resolve this.

Thanks & Regards,

Please check if you have sufficient storage.

Hi Sandeep (@sgiri), I checked the space, it’s only 582MB.
[nathsukanta3677@cxln4 ~]$ du -sch .[!.]* * |sort -h
4.0K auth.txt
4.0K .bash_logout
4.0K .bash_profile
4.0K .bashrc
4.0K python_file_writing.txt
4.0K .scala_history
8.0K .beeline
8.0K .jupyter
8.0K .keras
8.0K .oracle_jre_usage
8.0K .pki
8.0K .viminfo
16K .config
16K .hivehistory
16K .spark_history
28K .pig_history
40K .bash_history
364K .ipython
584K .local
1.6M cloudxlab_jupyter_notebooks
16M scikit_learn_data
40M .ivy2
42M .sbt
82M .cache
401M ml
582M total

Can someone please look into this?
It has been close to 15 hours. I am unable to proceed.
@sgiri @admins

Can you restart your server from hub…there is hyperlink in the above screenshot

already tried, it doesnt work @abhinav.
It says -

Not sure what worked but I tried the following from your account:

  • First, I tried to rename .jupyter and .ipython directories in your home folder. This did not work.
  • Second, I tried to delete the temporary files from your account in /tmp

Finally, it worked. Please let me know if it is not working for you…

I am now able to use it @sgiri.
Thank you for the help.

  • Sukanta
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