Unable to add SerDe JAR in Hive

My hive data is in JSON format thus I want to add JSON SerDe in Hive session. Thus, I followed below steps,

  1. Uploaded JAR file in my HDFS location

  2. In hive view when I try to add this JAR using
    add jar hdfs:///user/manojpurohit17834325/PurchasePatternAnalysis/ExternalJars/json-serde-1.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar;

I get below error message :
org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException: Unauthorized connection for super-user: ambari from IP

one discussion in Hortonworks suggested below :
Please add the proxy property for root user as hadoop.proxyuser.root.groups=* and hadoop.proxyuser.root.hosts=*.

but as far as I know, we cannot edit configurations in Ambari on CloudXLabs.

Please help me add this SerDe JAR to file.

Hi @ManojKumar,

Can you please run Hive queries on Hue?

We have not configure Hive view on Ambari.

Hope this helps.


Thanks @abhinavsingh, used Hue and it worked. Next, I want to permanently add this JAR to Hive for below reasons,

  1. So that I do not have to ADD JAR in every hive session.
  2. If I submit Oozie hive action, the SerDE JAR must be available to cluster.

To add SerDe JAR permanently to hive I need to do following steps,

  1. Include below tag in hive-site.xml
    < property>
    < name>hive.aux.jars.path< /name>
    < value>location to JAR file< /value>
    < /property>

  2. Restart Hive server.
    Since I do not have admin access, I cannot edit hive-site.xml and I cannot restart hive server. Please suggest ways to permanently add SerDe JARs to server.