Sqoop Export Issue


How can i put the table from my local to hdfs.

hadoop fs -put desktop/table_name /data

Its not working. Please help.

Hi, @Biswajit_Sahu

Are you running this ij your local desktop? as the path shows it as “desktop/table_name /data”
If it is True then you should have Hadoop in your system and you need to give the hadoop path located in your system.

or run in your Cloudxlab environment.

Kindly, just give the source from local to destinations paths of HDFS. --> this is used for copying the folder from local to HDFS.

hadoop fs -put Your_cloudxlab_localpath Your_cloudxlab_hdfspath

Note :- HDFS is not a database it is a file system. You can do export either from

  1. Mysql --> Hive.
  2. Hive --> Mysql. etc.

Where you have to the compatibility of the db and tables.

in HDFS you can just copy it.

All the best!