Permission denied while trying to copy file from local to hdfs.
Could you share exactly which command are you giving? This generally happens when you are trying to write a directory in which you done have permissions.
I am trying a copy from local file system directory to hdfs directory, But I am get the error message - Permission denied.
Below is the error message
[alamuruaswini3524@cxln4 ~]$ hadoop fs -put /home/alamuruaswini3524/Answers.csv /data/answers
put: Permission denied: user=alamuruaswini3524, access=WRITE, inode="/data/answers":hdfs:hdfs:drwxr-xr-x
[alamuruaswini3524@cxln4 ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /data
Found 40 items
-rw-r–r-- 3 hdfs hdfs 588889 2019-07-22 17:48 /data/1lac
Not /home, it should be /user.
Why not in the home direcotory sandeep. since the path we are following /home/user_name/<hdfs_directory> is the path we follow to create the files. how we know it will be in the /user/ instead …let me know am i missing any basic concept here
I have the same error, I don’t know what is wrong , I 've made a directory successfully and it is found in the datanode but I can’t copy my data to hadoop
C:\hadoop-3.3.0\sbin>hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal <df_reviews> /hadoop-3.3.0/sbin/test
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\hadoop-3.3.0\sbin>hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal <cleaned/df_reviews> /hadoop-3.3.0/sbin/test
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\hadoop-3.3.0\sbin>hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal <cleaned/df_reviews> /hadoop-3.3.0/sbin/test
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:\hadoop-3.3.0\sbin>hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /hadoop-3.3.0/sbin/test
Access is denied.
Please go thru the HDFS chapter to understand the commands: