Own default Notebook within right Jupyter pane


I want to: -

  1. Use a different notebook than Python.ipnyb to work on a specific assessment
  2. Load that notebook every time by default when i access the site
  3. Load it in the right side pane instead of separate tab/window to submit and verify answers (I use Appified version of urls to avoid full browser load. Clicking on notebook from files opens a separate tab & I can’t share browser session with course tab)

Is this possible?

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The notebooks that open up on the right side of the split screen are default notebook that cannot be replaced with any other notebooks. These are recognized by the assessment engine to be able to detect your code once you submit them.


Thank you @rajtilakb

Assessment engine can use any notebook that is loaded in right pane. But restriction of default notebook prevents us from: -

  1. Name our notebooks as per code areas to quickly refer later (python_basics, numpy, pandas, regression, ml_algo_assessment etc…) instead of searching other notebooks or web for code reference
  2. Load any notebook in same pane/place to work on that specific section notebook
  3. Use Shift/Ctrl + Click link to open in new tab if required on need basis
  4. Browser memory hog due to many open tabs
  5. Scrolling through one really long notebook that has both course related trial code and assessment code together

Since this a restriction in course & not default Jupyter behavior, kindly consider this as a feedback please. I believe it will enhance productivity and learning experience.

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Thank you for your feedback, and we will definitely consider them for our future updates. Having said that, I can address some of these:

  1. You can save these default notebooks with a new name at a new location, these saved notebooks will not open on the split window, but you won’t need that to search/refer to your notebooks.
  2. If you are referring to links in Jupyter notebook, then you can do that in the saved notebooks as suggested above.
  3. Link embedded within the default Jupyter notebooks can be opened like regular links.
  4. When you are using default notebooks, you are opening it in the same tab. So not sure how this will increase memory contraints.
  5. You can use Markdown for this purpose both in default notebooks and saved notebooks.

Let me know if you need further help.


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Hi Venkatesh,

Thank you for your valuable inputs. We too had been thinking about the same but your points helped us in making it more concrete.

We probably will start working in that direction soon.

Sandeep Giri

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Thank you Giri and Raj, I also have been conversing with the lab support on the same issue. Adding this feature will help productivity.