Opening a new file in Jupyter (right panel)

How to open a new file in Jupyter on the right hand side? If I create a new file it always opens in a new tab. I want it on the right hand side of the pane so that I can practice while going through the course.


Hi, Bharath.

If you work on the given Jupyter that is given for the assessment at the right side, then only the assessment will assesment will evaluate your results.
If you still open a new Jupyter notebook for other practise purpose, you can do it in new tab, you can resize the opened window of the Jupyter and the CloudxLab opened window, and can work on it. Two separate windows resized. Now you can practice while going through the course.

All the best!

Hi, I have the same issue and the response provided doesnt answer the question. If I have 2 separate tabs and then click on Submit answer, then my 2nd tab is not checked! We need a way to open a new file inside the embedded right panel please, Thanks.

Hi, Jean.

When you will open a separate window and do problems the assessments will take it if you have opened the respective file like Python.ipynb file.
I have been doing this since beginning ], you can try it…

All the best!

Hello, is this resolved - is there a way to open a particular file in the fight panel instead of in a new tab (as per the normal behavior). I’d like to save my files under specific folders for particular assignments, so this feature of opening in the right panel would be really helpful.