I was trying to run Python notebook which contains neural network code. It does not run.
However, I have verified the installation of tensor flow and keras through the command line interface through web log in. However the code does not run on Jupyter Note book. Also not not able to invoke jupyter notebook through command line. Please help
Hi @Gopal_Narasimha,
Keras and Tensorflow packages are not available if you are accessing them using JupyterHub. We’ll make them available soon there.
In the meanwhile, you can access them in notebook by launching single user notebook server and select conda_root environment while creating the notebook.
Please follow this blog to launch single user notebook server.
Hope this helps
Hello Abhinav,
Thanks for the reply. I tried launching the by the method you adviced. Its the same issue although I checked that keras and tensor flow is added in the command line.
Pip install keras says that its already serviced. However, it would not import through the jupyter (Even through single server method that you adviced). This is stopping me from running neural network algos through jupyter notebook . Would you please check ?
Hi @Gopal_Narasimha,
Please give me few hours. I will install these libraries in Jupyterhub environment only.
It is pending for quite some time and it is good that you brought it into notice.
I’ll update you shortly
Hi @Gopal_Narasimha,
We’ve installed Tensorflow and Keras on JupyterHub.
Please go to “My Lab”. Click on “Jupyter” and launch “Python3” kernel. Tensowflow and keras are available there.
Hope this helps.