Not able to execute Hive quereis

I’m not able to execute Hive queries as resource manager is down. Can you please check and make it up asap?

I have restarted some of the services. Could you try now?

Yes, it is working now. Thanks

I am facing this issue since yesterday.
504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.12.2
Even now it is down

hue interface is down from past 20 hours, getting below error.
504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.12.2

Could you use the Hive from console instead?

Hue is behind nginx, for multiple reasons this is less performant than the Hive from console.

If the query is taking too much time, the nginx may time out. The total memory allocated is generally less.

It is not connecting to my dabase itself, i was getting error while connecting to nydatabase in hue itsef, while i am not able to access hive through hue, i was trying to execute from console only,however some quries are not executing due to syntax issue i believe.I checked it now again, now i can-not find my database while i access through hue, while i checked from console it is present.
can you please help me out to solve this ASAP.

Actually the hue shows only few databases.

See, if you use the hive console instead of Hue.