While doing fashion MNIST project for machine learning course my jupyter notebook kernal is disconnection again and again. please help as due to this issue i am getting error in submitting
the project codeHi @Chandan_Jha,
So the long-running process gets killed by the bot.
Can you please save your notebook and reload the page again?
Getting same error again after reloading the page again all variables are lost and i am required to run the jupyter cells from start of the project.
after running below code jupyter notebook gets disconnected:
sgd_cv_scores = cross_val_score(sgd_clf, X_train_scaled, y_train, cv=3, scoring=“accuracy”)
I’m not able to use the webconsole either. I just login and immediately after login in; it disconnects and asks for login in again. @abhinav
I’m working on hive at the moment through HUE which is also giving an error of SERVER HANGUP SERVER HANGUP.