How to check task Tracker . Getting error message while sqoop export

I was getting error message while doing sqoop export.
18/11/11 06:46:09 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1537636876515_6642 failed with state FAILED due to: Task failed task_1537636876515_6642_m_000000

I executed the below command

hadoop job -status job_1537636876515_6642;

Now I am getting the following message

reason for failure: task 1537636876515_6642_m_000000 failed 2 times For details check tasktracker at: ip-172-31-38-146.ec2.internal:45454

How to check the the tasktracker and get the full log ?

Hi @newUser15,

You can check the tasks in the Hue Job browser.

Hope this helps.