How can I access metastore database for Hive inside cloudxlab

How can I access the metastore database inside cloudxlab?? I’m practicing Hive(HQL) and looking for metastore details to understand the table metadata & schema. Thanks in advance

You can use the below command at the Hive prompt to view the path:

set javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL;

However, I don’t think you have the permission to access it on CloudxLab. Although you can check it in your local system, or any other system containing Hive.

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ThankQ Rajtilakb, Yeah I don’t have access to metadata DB but good to know the command you posted.

Hi Suresh,

Aren’t you able to find the table metadata and schema using the Hive console?

Hi Sandeep,

I tried many ways to connect metastore but no luck. Please guide me on how to connect the hive metastore database to view the table structures? One more query ,is there any way I could connect MySQL DB or hive metadata store from external GUI-based tools like DBeaver or SQL Developer?? Thanks in advance.

Suresh Reddy

You can use ‘describe formatted’ command.

Hi Sandeep,

Above solution could not help me to get the required details.

We can’t give the access to metastore. That way one user will be able to access other user’s hive table details.

Please use hiveql statements such as ‘describe’ inorder to understand the table structure.

Thanks, Sandeep! I got it