Getting socket [error 104] connection reset by peer


I am getting the socket error [104] in the console when i tried to deploy the MNIST model to production. when i ran the below command, error in the line number 8 for the file name “” i get the socket error. Kindly view the attached screenshot and help with the step by step process to deploy the model to production


Thanks in advance,
Kiruthika N

Hi @Kiruthika_Nandakumar,

Can you please run the above code in the notebook?

or please enable Python 3 environment using below code

export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda/bin:$PATH

and run your code in Python 3 environment.

Also, what is the URL you are using for urlopen() in mldata_utrl?


I have already replied to your mail. Could you please get the updated notebooks from our GitHub repository and let us know if they are working. This is the old notebook which contains a deprecated code on how it is getting the data, we have change that in our new notebook.
