Getting 404 not found for jupyter notebook

Getting error

404 : Not Found

You are requesting a page that does not exist!

appeared on refreshing the page.
files are ok and my jupyter notebook opened in a new tab
Please help

Hi, Bubun.

Can you please check the internet connection by pinging ping in your terminal.
or refresh the page again or open in a new browser, you should be able to get the page again.
If still not able to see, send the screenshots.

All the best.

I tried in different browser(chrome) but again got same message

in my old browser(Microsoft edge I m getting:

I checked internet but its ok and I tried in different browser as well problem not solved.

I have send the screen shots

Seems like you had deleted the notebook.

It should work now.


Thanks a million Sir, I was really scared. It must have happened mistake unknowingly because I do not remember deleting notebook although I tried a lot for opening a new notebook in the playground.
Thanks again

Unfortunately I am facing same issue again ie ERROR 404 but I did not delete any file
I would like to know how to open a new jupyter book in play ground because I download my jupyter and then cut all the cells rename and work.
Please help

Hi, I am facing the same issue. Could you please tell me how to fix it if you have done it already?