504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.12.2..Issue in connecting Hive

Hi Team,

While accessing Hive using Hue , I am getting 504 Gateway Time-out 504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.12.2 error . Can you please check?


Hi, Rameswar.
Use Hive terminal for your tasks, that is the best solution as of now, It worked for me.
As per the thread given below , This error basically happens due to some problems behind the NginX gateway when the query takes a long time, nginx stops it. Since there some migration going on from AWS to GCP so there may be some problem.

You can refer to this thread by Sandeep Giri, Sir for more information :-

Hi @Rameswar,

Also requesting you to please use Hive on the command line.
