500 Internal Server Error : Jupyter

Hi Lab Support,
I am unable to access Jupyter since today morning. It is displaying

500 : Internal Server Error

Failed to reach your server. Please try again later. Contact admin if the issue persists.

You can try restarting your server from the home page.

I have already tried restarting the server from my homepage but it didn’t work.
Please help me fix this issue asap.

Hi Nishant,

I just checked. It seems to be working for me. Are you still seeing that error?

UPDATE: The error is resolved now. Thank you !

Hello @sgiri Sir,

I would like to mention that, even I am also facing the similar issue with a different error code (503 : Service Unavailable) and not able to open the JupyterHub.

I have tried to restart the server from the Hub, but nothing seems to be working for me.

Please suggest someone to resolve this.

Thank you.

Dhyey Kotecha

Hi Sandeep,

I am still facing the same problem. It is my humble request to resolve the issue asap.

Hi Sandeep,

This issue is there for me too.
503: Server Down


Hi Sandeep

I am also getting the same error with message

500 : Internal Server Error

Failed to start your server on the last attempt. Please contact admin if the issue persists.

You can try restarting your server from the [home page].

I have tried multiple times and still not successful.

Could you please help me out on this error at the earliest.


same issue for me too

sir i also facing this problem . i did everything like change browser or pc etc but everwhere it found it 500 internal server error.
i also try incog mode too but i still persist this problem

Unable to login to lab console .Error 502 Bad Gateway

Sorry for the inconvenience, some class was running which caused f.cloudxlab.com to slow down.
We have increased the memory of f.cloudxlab.com to same as e.cloudxlab.com. But while we were doing so, the machine had to be restarted and therefore there was a downtime.


Hi @Bhababhuti_Mishra,
Sorry for the inconvenience, some class was running which caused f.cloudxlab.com to slow down.
We have increased the memory of f.cloudxlab.com to same as e.cloudxlab.com. But while we were doing so, the machine had to be restarted and therefore there was a downtime.


I am getting same 500 internal server error . I tried logging in but issue persists. I also tried to start my server as instructed in message with error message but this also failed.
Let me add that I have completed my course already but I have my lab subscription active so that i can work on optional project and also polish my skills by reworking on few topics…but unfortunately…this problem appeared.
Please help.

Hi @Bubun_Sharan,

Please check your disk quota. You can use only 4GB in webconsole. If you have exceeded your disk quota then please delete the files from your web console.

Thank you Sir!!! It worked