Where exactly the analytics will be implemented in the architecture of the web application/Android app?

Can anyone explain me where exactly analytics can be implemented in the web application architecture

Analytics can be implemented and used in many ways in Web Application Architecture.

1. To Observe User Behavior

Analytics can used in understanding and observing the user behaviour as done by Google Analytics.

2. To A/B Test

Analytics is also done to a very large extent in comparing various versions of a website. Say, you came up with a new idea and want to test if users find that idea really useful. So, show that particular change in UI to only a fraction of users and then observe if the users are really converting.

3. To Show Recommendations

Based on the users’ past behaviour you can show them the recommendation as shown by Amazon under “You may also like it” or “People who bought this also bought that” etc.

4. For DevOps

Say you have shut down the server for few minutes in order to do a regular maintenance. What time will you choose? Let the Analytics decide it for you. There are many such tasks which can be aided by Analytics.

5. Capacity Planning

Say, you run an e-commerce website such as Amazon, every year near Christmas, traffic is going to be really high. So, you need to able to predict the demand based on past years user traffic and other indicators. This is where analytics comes into play.

These are few There are many use cases of analytics in case of a website.

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