What are some really interesting machine learning projects for beginners?
There are some projects we worked during our machine learning course.
A structured workflow for model building is followed and you will be able to practice:
• Importing data
• Cleaning data
• Splitting it into train/test or cross-validation sets
• Pre-processing
• Transformations
• Feature engineering
Machine Learning Projects for beginners:
Loan Prediction using Machine Learning: build a model to predict how much a user is going to take loan and classify them according it.
Dataset link: https://www.kaggle.com/altruistdelhite04/loan-prediction-problem-dataset -
Housing Prices Prediction Project: Predict house prices of areas. https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~delve/data/boston/bostonDetail.html
Titanic Survival Project: predict the survival of people in titanic ship i.e. they will survive or not.
Dataset link: https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic -
Wine Quality Test Project: Here we predict the quality of wine
Dataset link: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/wine+quality
There are machine learning hands- on project provided by CloudXLab with their Machine learning and Machine learning specialization course
Projects like:
Analyze Emails
Churn the mail activity from various individuals in an open source project development team. -
Predict the median housing prices in California
We start Machine Learning course with this end-to-end project. Learn various data manipulation, visualization and cleaning techniques using various libraries of Python like Pandas, Scikit-Learn and Matplotlib. -
Classify handwritten digits in MNIST dataset
The MNIST dataset is considered as “Hello World!” of Machine Learning. Write your first classification logic. Starting with Binary Classification learn Multiclass, Multilabel, Multi-output classification and different error analysis techniques. -
Noise removal from the images
Build a model that takes a noisy image as an input and outputs the clean image. -
Predict bikes rental demand
Build a model to predict the bikes demand given the past data. -
Build a spam classifier
Build a model to classify email as spam or ham. First, download examples of spam and ham from Apache Spam Assassin’s public datasets and then train a model to classify email. -
Build cats classifier using neural network
In this project, you will build a basic neural network to classify if a given image is of cat or not.
You can also refer to CloudXLab Blog ( https://cloudxlab.com/blog/) for more Machine learning real like usage. Such as: How to build a Number Plate Reader, How to run object detection on CCTV etc.