Want to know the difference b/w these two queries

hadoop fs -cp /data/NYSE_daily /user/haridcurz7145 --after running this NYSE_daily is copied but when i press the submit answer it says NYSE_daily not found

hadoop fs -cp /data/NYSE_daily . --this is working fine

Hi, Harry.

The right command is as below.

for eg:-
hadoop fs -cp /data/ml-100k/u.data /user/YOUR_USERNAME/

This hadoop command will copy the file from the source location “/data/ml-100k/u.data” to the destination location /user/YOUR_USERNAME/
You have to put a “/” at the end as you need to copy it inside that directory.

hadoop fs -cp /data/NYSE_daily ----> This will copy the data to your Local HDFS from the /data/NYSE_daily file.

All the best!