Use cases of big data in Telecom Industry

There are many use cases of Big Data in Telecom.

Since most of the data in telecom is Big Data, there are many use cases of Big Data processing in Telcom Industry. The telcom companies can use the big data in order to understand why their customers are leaving and how they can prevent the customers from leaving. This is know customer churn prevention. The data that could help in customer churn prevention is:

  1. How many calls did customers make to the call center?
  2. For how long were they out of coverage area
  3. What was the usage pattern?

The other use-case is network performance optimization. Based on the past history of traffic, the telecoms can forecast the network traffic and accordingly optimize the performance.

Third most common use-case of Big Data in Telecommunication industry is Calling Data Record Analysis. Since there are millions of users of a telecom company and each user makes 100s of calls per day. Analysing the calling Data records is a Big Data problem.

It is very much possible to predict the failure of hardware based on all the data points when previous failures occurred. A seemingly impossible task is possible because of the sheer volume of data.

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