Titanic - Dataset - Clarificatiion

In the previous question, which columns can be used as features? Please select all the columns which you think can be used as features.

Remember, our task is to build a machine learning model to predict what sorts of people were likely to survive.

The following are the features list: Age, Name, PassengerID, Sex, Embarked, Pclass, Sibsp, Parch and Fare

Please someone help me to address this and explain the reason also. Thanks in advance.

Expecting your response for this item

Hi, Surbamoniam.

Here you have to take the attributes having numeric values.
Kindly, explore the dataset and find out which attributes is numeric type.
A detailed tutorial is already given.

All the best!

Thanks for checking on this. Note that, i have selected only numberical attirubutes and not able to complete this excerise. For this reason, i am seeking help others to complete this exercise.


Except Name & passangerid all columns can be selected for features

I selected the following features Age,Pclass,Sibsp,Parch and Fare. While click on the submit button, i received the same error.



Kindly try to restart the server from the right hand side in control panel.
If your approach is right it should work.

All the best!

Hi @Surbamoniam_Krishnam,

@sanjay_kumar has already pointed the answer :slight_smile:

I tried again. Not working.

Can anyone suggest me how to solve this issue?