The Assessment -Python Project - Churn Emails - Count the number of lines

Hi Rajthilak, I have posted all the screenshots where I had difficulty with assessment engine.
Please review and assess the code, thanks


If you are having issues with the assessment engine, I would suggest you to restart your server using the following method:

Let me know if this works.


Hi Rajtilak, I followed these steps but could not get the assessment complete even though I was getting proper output. Please check, thanks

HI Rajtilak,
Please can you assess it manually and provide the feedback and update the questions as completed, thnaks


We check every assessment automatically. Also, I checked your code, you need to revise them. If you notice, for the first few codes, the codes inside the function are not indented. Also, if you are unable to move forward, you can always take a look at the hint, or see the answer.


Hi Rajtilak, The answers were copied and when executed the code they were properly indented and after executing it I have received the answers as provided in the question yet the assessment engine would not qualify it as correct. So please take a look and see if the code is giving the expected result.

Your help is appreciated. Thanks

Hi Rajthilak, Any updates on the assessment. The code was indented properly and was submitted. Could you assess them so that I can complete the assessment?
Reply 17/31 - part A:
Also please check below one as well which is not getting assessed again:

Numpy - Arrays - Indexing and Array Slicing - 17/31 Question:

Please see below reply as well

Reply 17/31 - part B:

Even though the values of my_rev_arr are correct it still displays this error message:
Values are printed in reverse order.
[12 89 7 26 9 3 15 1]

I have copied the code in the above cell. Request you to assess all of them and grade them so that it shows as completed as they still show it as not assessed.Thanks

18/31 - Numpy - Arrays - Example - Extracting a portion of an image using array slicing


Getting above error, please assess this one as well, thanks

Have received the output as for print(portion.shape):
(130, 120, 3)


Apologies for the late reply, are you still facing this issue? Could you please share a screenshot of your output. Also, would request you to share your email id with us.


Hi Rajthilak, Hope you can assess my past assignments as well as this one. This helps in grading my work. Thanks


We do not assess any work manually. The assessment engine will automatically assess your work. Please let us know if you are still facing any issues, and we will help you with it.


Hi Rajtilak, I’m attempting the “End to End Project - Estimate wine quality” assessment question. The file has been saved as “WineQuality_End_to_End_ML_Raja_Kartheek_Project”.

When I try to run the step
log_reg = LogisticRegression(),WineQ_labels)

I get below error:
/usr/local/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ ConvergenceWarning: lbfgs failed to converge (status=1):

Increase the number of iterations (max_iter) or scale the data as shown in:
Please also refer to the documentation for alternative solver options:

I tried increasing it but does not converge. So please let me know of the details as I could not proceed further with cross-validation steps and to implement other estimators.


Would request you to start a separate thread for this issue. Also, please share a screenshot of your code and any errors/warnings that you are getting in your post.
