Support Vector Machine

What is the meaning of gamma on Svm

"gamma" is a Hyperparameter in svm that is used to control the radius of the area of influence of the support vectors. YOu can see from the formula as

K(xi,xj)= exp(-gamma|| xi - xj || ^2 ), gamma>0.

It is a Hyperparameter for controlling this K nonlinear kernel function called "Gaussian radial basis function."
You can clearly see by the mathematical relation that.

  1. If gamma is small then K will be large means it will have high influence on deciding the class of the vector x_i.
  2. If gamma is large, it will have less influence on deciding the class of the vector x_i.

In short : Large gamma leads to high bias and low variance models, and vice-versa.

More read :-,the%20model%20as%20support%20vectors.
All the best!