Spark-submit issues


I have copied my spark application jar file to my UNIX home directory through WinScp. Now I have tried to apply spark-submit sitting at home directory but it is throwing error. please see the below command.

spark-submit --class com.sparkcore.DispOut --master yarn /home/maruboyina90663392/sparkcore-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


11:23:41 INFO Client:
client token: N/A
diagnostics: N/A
ApplicationMaster host:
ApplicationMaster RPC port: 0
queue: default
start time: 1603365817507
final status: UNDEFINED
tracking URL: http://cxln2.c.thelab-240901.internal:8088/proxy/application_1602440478847_2006/
user: maruboyina90663392

Hi @Madhu_M,

I could not see any errors in the log which you have posted.

Could you please scroll down to see the actual error and please paste it here so that we can assist you better.

Most probably you will be getting java.lang.NoSuchMethodError. In such a case, please check your code once and your library dependencies.