Spark Submit Issues - Interacting with HBase


Can you please copy hbase-site.xml from /usr/hdp/current/hbase-client/conf/hbase-site.xml to /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/conf/ folder as I’m having issues running Spark streaming jobs integrated with HBase.

This is in regards to my topic Structured Spark Streaming + HBase Integration

Kindly help.

Venkatesh Raman

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I have done it. Could you check and let me know.


I’m unable to find the hbase-site.xml under “/usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/conf”.

The edge node is

Am I looking in the wrong location?

Venkatesh Raman

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Thank you for letting me know. Let me look again. I think I did it on different edge node.

Please check now. I have done it on If you have sample code, please post it here. So that we could also check it.


Thanks, I was able to get past that step without any issues. However, data is not inserted into hbase. The sample code and the spark-submit command is given in this section

is it throwing some error?

In the spark-console, I can see “Reading offset at partition” . But, the insert is not happening.

Are you able to add data in hbase using hbase shell ?