Spark SBT and its command

spark-submit --class HelloSpark --master spark://localhost.localadmin:7077 --deploy-mode client hello-sparkapp_2.10-1.0.jar

The above code i use for submitting a sbt in my local Vm system may i know what path do I need to replace to execute the same in CLOUD x LAB environment

Hi @akashjha,

Please specify master as local if you want to run it locally and as yarn if you want to run it on hadoop. Please note that currently, only default Spark will run on yarn. We are working on making Spark 2.x run on yarn.

Below command should run fine on CloudxLab

spark-submit --class HelloSpark --master local hello-sparkapp_2.10-1.0.jar

Hope this helps.



Could you please let me know how to login to SBT and write the code. Need help ASAP.

Mahesh .H