Server Error (500)


I am unable to access the cloudxlab courses and everything else for the past 2 hours. The page gives "Server Error (500). Please help

Hi Allan,

Thank you for letting us know. Due to some upgrades issue, the server was down.

We are trying to make sure that it does not happen again.

Resource Manager is down , so not able to execute Hive queries. Request you to please make it up ASAP

I have restarted it again.

I am getting server 500 error while taking the Quiz or resuming the Course

I am also facing the same issue !

I am facing the same issue Server Error(500) today at 11.45 PM upwards.

Thanks I am able to access now after 30 min.

I am able to access now.But on the course right hand workspace show for notebook.

404 : Not Found

You are requesting a page that does not exist!

Hi Shobha,

I checked your account. The jupyter is not working in the right side. Looks like the notebooks have been deleted or something. You can copy the original notebook using the commands mentioned in “Notes” section on “My Lab”.

  • In case you have deleted your jupyter notebooks which are needed for assessments, please use the following command to restore:

rsync -avz --ignore-existing /cxldata/cloudxlab_jupyter_notebooks/ /home/$USER/cloudxlab_jupyter_notebooks/

Hi Sandeep,

I ran rsync command multiple times and all my file are save under


I was basically saving each session work in file after server 500 error is solved I was not able to see kernel Menu in NoteBook on the right hand side.

I still cannot see Notebook Menu(kernel to execute the Commands ) on the right hand side.I need to open jupyter in new tab to execute in Notebook kernel.

Thanks & Regards,
Shobha B R

Hi Sandeep,

Thanks,Issue is resolved by referring below.

Thanks & Regards,
Shobha BR