Sentiment analysis

Hello Sir,
I am stuck in calculating the score. the code which i have is as follows:

from pprint import pprint
import nltk
import yaml
import sys
import os
import re
import csv
import sys

class Splitter(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.nltk_splitter ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
        self.nltk_tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.TreebankWordTokenizer()

    def split(self, text):
        input format: a paragraph of text
        output format: a list of lists of words.
            e.g.: [['this', 'is', 'a', 'sentence'], ['this', 'is', 'another', 'one']]
        sentences = text.split()
        tokenized_sentences = [self.nltk_tokenizer.tokenize(sent) for sent in sentences]
        return tokenized_sentences

class POSTagger(object):

    def __init__(self):
    def pos_tag(self, sentences):
        input format: list of lists of words
            e.g.: [['this', 'is', 'a', 'sentence'], ['this', 'is', 'another', 'one']]
        output format: list of lists of tagged tokens. Each tagged tokens has a
        form, a lemma, and a list of tags
            e.g: [[('this', 'this', ['DT']), ('is', 'be', ['VB']), ('a', 'a', ['DT']), ('sentence', 'sentence', ['NN'])],
                    [('this', 'this', ['DT']), ('is', 'be', ['VB']), ('another', 'another', ['DT']), ('one', 'one', ['CARD'])]]

        pos = [nltk.pos_tag(sentence) for sentence in sentences]
        #adapt format
        pos = [[(word, word, [postag]) for (word, postag) in sentence] for sentence in pos]
        return pos

class DictionaryTagger(object):

    def __init__(self, dictionary_paths):
        files = [open(path, 'r') for path in dictionary_paths]
        dictionaries = [yaml.load(dict_file) for dict_file in files]
        map(lambda x: x.close(), files)
        self.dictionary = {}
        self.max_key_size = 0
        for curr_dict in dictionaries:
            for key in []:
                if key in self.dictionary:
                    self.dictionary[key] = curr_dict[key]
                    self.max_key_size = max(self.max_key_size, len(key))

    def tag(self, postagged_sentences):
        return [self.tag_sentence(sentence) for sentence in postagged_sentences]

    def tag_sentence(self, sentence, tag_with_lemmas=False):
        the result is only one tagging of all the possible ones.
        The resulting tagging is determined by these two priority rules:
            - longest matches have higher priority
            - search is made from left to right
        tag_sentence = []
        N = len(sentence)
        if self.max_key_size == 0:
            self.max_key_size = N
        i = 0
        while (i < N):
            j = min(i + self.max_key_size, N) #avoid overflow
            tagged = False
            while (j > i):
                expression_form = ' '.join([word[0] for word in sentence[i:j]]).lower()
                expression_lemma = ' '.join([word[1] for word in sentence[i:j]]).lower()
                if tag_with_lemmas:
                    literal = expression_lemma
                    literal = expression_form
                if literal in self.dictionary:
                    #self.logger.debug("found: %s" % literal)
                    is_single_token = j - i == 1
                    original_position = i
                    i = j
                    taggings = [tag for tag in self.dictionary[literal]]
                    tagged_expression = (expression_form, expression_lemma, taggings)
                    if is_single_token: #if the tagged literal is a single token, conserve its previous taggings:
                        original_token_tagging = sentence[original_position][2]
                    tagged = True
                    j = j - 1
            if not tagged:
                i += 1
        return tag_sentence

def value_of(sentiment):
    if sentiment == 'positive': return (1)
    elif sentiment == 'negative': return (-1)
    else: return 0

def sentence_score(sentence_tokens, previous_token, acum_score):    
    if not sentence_tokens:
        return acum_score
        current_token = sentence_tokens[0]
        tags = current_token[0]
        token_score = sum([value_of(tag) for tag in tags])
        if previous_token is not None:
            previous_tags = previous_token[0]
            if 'inc' in previous_tags:
                token_score *= 2.0
            elif 'dec' in previous_tags:
                token_score /= 2.0
            elif 'inv' in previous_tags:
                token_score *= -1.0
        return sentence_score(sentence_tokens[1:], current_token, acum_score + token_score)

def sentiment_score(review):
    return sum([sentence_score(review, None, 0.0) for sentence in review])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    text = """What can I say about this place. The staff of the restaurant is 
    nice and the eggplant is not bad. Apart from that, very uninspired food, 
    lack of atmosphere and too expensive. I am a staunch vegetarian and was 
    sorely dissapointed with the veggie options on the menu. Will be the last 
    time I visit, I recommend others to avoid."""
    with open("Demonetization_data29th.csv") as f_obj:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f_obj, delimiter=',')
        for row in reader:
            text = row["CONTENT"]
            splitter = Splitter()
            postagger = POSTagger()
            dicttagger = DictionaryTagger(['C:/Users/HP/dicts/positive.yml','C:/Users/HP/dicts/negative.yml','C:/Users/HP/dicts/increasers.yml','C:/Users/HP/dicts/decreasers.yml','C:/Users/HP/dicts/inverter.yml'])
            splitted_sentences = splitter.split(text)
            pos_tagged_sentences = postagger.pos_tag(splitted_sentences)
            dict_tagged_sentences = dicttagger.tag(pos_tagged_sentences)
            print("analyzing sentiment...")
            score = sentiment_score(dict_tagged_sentences)

How the calculated polarity can be inserted in to hive Table