Hi Sandeep,
As your instruction, I run the below commands in web console and can not start a Jupyter notebook to run pyspark.
“Start Jupyter using following commands:
export SPARK_HOME=”/usr/spark2.0.1/"
export PYTHONPATH=$SPARK_HOME/python/:$SPARK_HOME/python/lib/py4j-0.10.3-src.zip:$SPARK_HOME/python/lib/pyspark.zip:$PYTHONPATH
export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda/bin:$PATH
jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip --port 8888"
So I open another Jupyter Notebook and try to run the following codes and with some errors:
“from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
conf = SparkConf().setAppName(“appName”)
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
rdd = sc.textFile(”/data/mr/wordcount/input/")
print rdd.take(10)
“ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pyspark’”
How can I run Pyspark within Jupyter? thanks.