#Run full pipeline to transform the data

Hi Nirav,

I checked out the repository: https://github.com/cloudxlab/ml.git
Using the command in CloudxLab console: git clone https://github.com/cloudxlab/ml.git

Since this repository was already existing in my home directory, I went to the ml folder using cd ml command and then I reverted the local changes using git checkout filename. Afterwards, I pulled fresh version of code using git pull command.

Then, in Jupyter, I went to the folder ml/machine_learning and opened end_to_end_project.
I ran everything from top to bottom. It worked fine for me.

I did but same thing happened.

I am sending my code to your email.

Please see that.

I did but after deleting the median_house _value I copied it again and ran full transform.

Is this correct??

please reply.