Regarding SCD1 implementation in hive

Hi sandeep,
i tried to implement SCD1 in hive , but i got NULL POINTEREXCEPTION error when i ran SCD1 merge statement in hive.
I have attached the error that i have seen in console and log files below.
Link from which i got SCD1 query:-

Staging Table name :- stg_one
Scd Table name:- transact_one
DDL for stg table :- create table stg_one(id int,nme string,depid int);
Scd merge Query :-
merge into transact_one as M using stg_one as P
WHEN matched THEN update set nme=P.nme
WHEN not matched THEN insert values(,P.nme,P.depid);

Then after executing above query i got below error

Error in console :-
Starting to launch local task to process map join; maximum memory = 523239424
Execution failed with exit status: 2
Obtaining error information
Task failed!
Task ID:
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 2 from

SCD Log file image attached below:-

Thanks in advance,

My quick suggestions:

  1. Try putting some data into table.
  2. Try changing the executor to Tez