Python Programming - Project - Part 2" and I am facing issue

Hi Team,

I am doing second project "
Python Programming - Project - Part 2" and I am facing issue.

Kindly provide the setup by setup so that I can complete my projects.

Thanks in Advance for help.

Below find the code which I am using:
fhand = open(‘mbox-short.txt’, ‘r’)
for line in fhand:
if line.startswith(‘From:’) :
l = line.rstrip()

    words = l.split()
    counts = dict()
    for word in words:
        counts[word] = counts.get(word,0) + 1

        bigcount = None
        bigword = None
        for word,count in counts.items():
            if bigcount is None or count > bigcount:
                bigword = word
                bigcount = count

                print(bigword, bigcount)

Python Programming - Project - Part 2
Objective: The objective of this project is to analyze the email data you collected in the previous project.

From the data you collected and the concepts you learned in the class (Numpy and dataframes in Pandas) do the following analysis on the data :

Create the dataframe from the emails using the technique defined in previous project.
Find the top 5 times of the week when you receive the most number of emails. Hint. Categorise the data on the basis of time into slots and find the slot with the most number of emails.
Who has sent you the maximum number of emails?
To whom have you sent the maximum number of emails?
On the basis of above two analysis decide who is your closest buddy. You are free to derive your own formula for choosing your closest buddy. One of the criteria can be the person whom you converse frequently.

Hi, Anil.

I have seen your email and the post in our discussion forum regarding Python projects.

I appreciate your efforts.

You have written code for one file only, but we want to parse through all the file present in your email folder.

Kindly use the os.walk() module for this.

I also request you to please go through the objective of the project again, your function should return the tuple having the fields as (‘to’,‘from’, ‘subject’). So, you need to extract these fields from the files.

  1. Parse the email by parsed_eml.

  2. Use parsed_eml[‘header’][‘from’] --> to get the info about the from where you got the email.

  3. parsed_eml[‘header’][‘to’] --> To whom the email has been sent.

  4. parsed_eml[‘header’][‘subject’] --> What is the subject of the email.

But here your logic is doing the word count, not returning the tuple of (‘to’,‘from’,‘subject’).
Try to write the correct logic or go through the concept once more.

Now, you can proceed.

All the best.

Hi Satyajit,

I am getting error when I am trying to use below query.

Kindly help.

def listemails(’/home/anilpu20013492/bin/gyb/’, select=[‘to’, ‘from’, ‘subject’], where=‘subject’, matches=’.+’):
return [(select, where), (select, where)]

import eml_parser
with open(’/home/anilpu20013492/bin/gyb/’, ‘rb’) as fhdl:
raw_email =

parsed_eml = eml_parser.eml_parser.decode_email_b(raw_email)


Hi, Anil.

In your first code, the function we need to write the logic so that it will return “to” and “from”
In your second code, your code looks fine please print the “parsed_eml” and see, also look at the steps, I sent you in the email.

All the best.