Python Programming Project 1

Hi All,

My query is regarding taking backup of email from GYB tool.

I have followed the instructions given on link “” and completed all the backup process. I can see that my backup folder has been downloaded into GYB folder under bin folder and with naming convention as email id name.cfg but when I try to open that backup file it give me some information like client id, client secret etc(Attached the snapshot for the same).

Now, I have some query listed below.
How will I get the path(for the backup mail) ?
I have attached the snapshots of all the folders. Can some one please look and let me know, if I didn’t follow the correct process.

Thanks in advance.

JayantCapture !

Why the support team is not providing any help/solution?

When you run the process it creates the folder in your current directory. It displays its name too.

Actually, its weekend and Diwali. So most of the team is not available.

In my case it is creating under bin folder however I am unable to access the backedup mail.
Pfa Snapshot. Is the mentioned mail backup in snapshot correct?


No Problem…

I can see only two folders “bin” and “cloudxlab_jupyter_notebooks”.

Looks like gyb did not complete successfully.