Python for ML-Session 4


line1=input(‘Enter the text:’) #user_input
for word1 in words1:
bigcount is None
bigword is None
for word1,count in word_count1.items():
if count>bigcount:

Enter the text: this is a line of this text
text 7

Shouldn’t the output be,

this 2

since ‘this’ is appearing 2 times in the text entered, which is the most no of times?Or am I missing something?


Hi, Abhinav.

Here you need to take care of two things.

  1. bigcount is None

You cannot assign the variable using “is”, it gives a boolean value.

use declarations using “=”

You can use “is None” in conditionals but there is also the difference between “==” and “is” operator you need to know about it( kindly explore). there is a object level reference difference.

  1. if count>bigcount:

Here you are comparing the integer with None type. as you have declared “bigcount is None”.
Integer cannot be compared with “None” both are different datatypes.

Remember only Like data-types can be compared.

Now you just need to do some few changes here.

bigcount =0
bigword =0
and use
condition as if count>bigcount: --> This is as per your approach.

CASE 2 :- But you also have to handle the case where user will not give anything, that is None type. but still the count should be 1.
So, use below.

and condition as
if bigcount is None or count>bigcount:
as empty space or None character also will be counted as 1.

Kindly check the difference between two.

All the best!

All the best!

1 Like

Oh! I kept on doing it myself without checking it with that shown in the video :neutral_face:
Thanks for pointing out! :pray: :+1: