PySpark in Oozie

Just curious to know any one tried to schedule PySpark Module in Oozie.
What are the fields that I need to enter here for the bellow . These fields are required for Spark Action in Oozie.

  1. Spark Master
  2. Mode
  3. Main class
  4. Jars/py files

I have not yet tried in Oozie but here is my guess.

  1. Spark master should be similar to the --master argument. The value can be “yarn” if running on Hadoop
  2. Mode would be either the cluster or client
  3. Main Class is the fully qualified name of the entry point
  4. The jar/py is the location of the java/scala bundle or python program

Please note that these arguments are very similar to spark-submit arguments.

See more at
or in the Running on Cluster section of our course:

This just worked perfectly fine:
master: local[*]
Mode: client
AppName: Anything
Main: org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi
jars: /usr/hdp/current/spark-client/lib/spark-examples-
arguments: 10

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I just created a 10min video. Here is the video of Spark running on Oozie:


Thanks for this. This is for Java/Scala with Spark right …
But when we are submitting PySpark What should I fill on Main Class fields
I created a pySpark Job and its working perfectly fine on submitting thru spark-submit. Now When I tried thru Oozie its failing. I doubt the Fields that the fields I enter has issues . These fields are required for Spark Action in Oozie.

Can you share your files?