I am not entirely clear about the question but the way we compute the covariance is very much like variance.
For N points which have d-dimensions, follow this process to find the covariance
- Find the mean values for each of the d dimensions.
- Subtract from each row the mean of columns.
- Form pairs of each column with other column and multiple the values and sum over N data points
- This matrix will be the covariance matrix
Here is the code:
import numpy as np
A = np.array([
[90, 60, 90],
[90, 90, 30],
[60, 60, 60],
[60, 60, 90],
[30, 30, 30],
1. Find the mean values for each of the d dimensions.
AM = np.mean(A, axis=0)
array([66., 60., 60.])
2. Subtract from each row the mean of columns.
AD = A - AM
array([[ 24., 0., 30.],
[ 24., 30., -30.],
[ -6., 0., 0.],
[ -6., 0., 30.],
[-36., -30., -30.]])
array([[ 24., 24., -6., -6., -36.],
[ 0., 30., 0., 0., -30.],
[ 30., -30., 0., 30., -30.]])
Form pairs of each column with other column and multiple the values and sum over N data points
This matrix will be the covariance matrix
COV = np.dot(ADT, AD)/len(A)
array([[504., 360., 180.],
[360., 360., 0.],
[180., 0., 720.]])