Partition issue in Hive


i have created partition table in hive, but i can’t insert data into table. below are the my queries.

Create table:

create table datalake_database.cust_table(cust_id string,
cust_name string)
partitioned by (cust_order_date string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by “,”
lines terminated by ‘\n’
stored as textfile
location ‘/user/sreea20004607/cust_data’
Insert query:

insert overwrite datalake_database.customer_table partition(cust_order_date)
select cust_id,cust_name,cust_order_date from datalake_database.cust_table

but when i see sample data using hue getting below error

List index out of range.

can you please help me where is the issue.



You have to give the partition column value in the insert


Let me know if you still issue

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