Dear All,
I am trying to execute below Oozie hands on,
In Hue, Get the location of mysql Jar
Go to Workflows -> Editors
Click on Create Button on right site
#Drag and drop sqoop1
Set the password in following command and copy paste
Also, change the HDFS absolute location
import --connect jdbc:mysql://ip-172-31-13-154:3306/sqoopex --username sqoopuser --password NHkkP876rp --table widgets --target-dir hdfs:///user/sandeepgiri9034/widgets_import
Add the files of mysql connector
Save and Submit
Open File Browser check if the files are created.
When I try to add sqoop command, the add button is not enabled and i am not able to add it, the screen as no response. Could you please assist me how to resolve this issue.