No such file or directory

hadoop fs -ls /user/mohitrajranu1048
ls: `/user/mohitrajranu1048’: No such file or directory

You have been enrolled for the Linux Basics course, that is why you do not have any users created under Hadoop.

when iam trying to access the /user/raghu687357/ ,no such directory message is showing
plz help

Would request you to comment below the assessment where you are facing this issue. That would help us assist you better.

HI ,

Its not assignment, iam working in lab during that time trying to access hdfs path /user/raghu687357/,iam facing this issue. could you please help me out on this issue.

this is what the error message

-bash-4.2$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/raghu687357/
ls: `/user/raghu687357/’: No such file or directory

-bash-4.2$ pwd

drwxr-xr-x 2 raghu687357 raghu687357 4096 Sep 15 12:56 cloudxlab_jupyter_notebooks
-rw-r–r-- 1 raghu687357 raghu687357 35 Oct 20 16:06 1.txt
-rw-r–r-- 1 raghu687357 raghu687357 72 Oct 20 16:22 Untitled.ipynb
-bash-4.2$ hdfs dfs -cp 1.txt /user/raghu687357/
cp: /user/raghu687357/': No such file or directory: hdfs://cxln1.c.thelab-240901.internal:8020/user/raghu687357’
-bash-4.2$ pwd

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