MNIST dataset - how to get the data set

How do i get the MNIST dataset?

Please follow the instructions and and you will be able to find the MNIST datasets.

Hi, Krishna.
There is no need to download the MNIST datasets as we have already downloaded this for you to reduce your development time.

You can find the datasets in the CloudxLab root directory.
Here is the location :- To check you can enter the below command

  1. !ls /cxldata/datasets/project/fashion-mnist/ -> Type this in jupyter.
  2. Go to the web-console and type cd /cxldata/datasets/project/fashion . and you will be in the MNIST folder type “ls” cpmmand. you will find “/cxldata/datasets/project/fashion-mnist”

All the best.

hey i have download the repository at my end

when i do this code there is an error TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
i tried couple of times

also as you can see in image above the method taught by sir is also not working

Hi, Mohit.

fetch_mldata() is dead because it relied on a website that died. You need to replace it with fetch_openml(), which relies on, which is alive.

  1. There are two method you can use to get the data I mentioned in screenshots.
    a) You will get a dictionary and you can access the data using keys. (After looking into data).
    b) You can only get the inputs and targets as
    X, y = fetch_openml(‘mnist_784’,return_X_y=True)

  2. With reference to your second screenshots there is no directory of sc in your Local. so it is showing the error. Kindly check in which context the sc was mentioned.

All the best!

Hey i had send a word document which contain my doubts from housing project with images that i have send 2 days back on since i can’t attach that here so how to soon that would be resolved