Meaning of SVC in project titanic passenger

WHAT IS THE MEANING of SVC and the line
'train an SVC with gamma as auto for svm_clf variable ’ in titanic data set.

Hi Soumyadeep,

SVC(Support Vectors Classifier) tries to find the best hyperplane to separate the different classes by maximizing the distance between sample points and the hyperplane.

gamma is a parameter for non linear hyperplanes. auto is kind of a default value for it. The higher the gamma value, the more it tries to exactly fit the training data set. Its synonymous to RBF Kernel SVM (Support Vector Machines) class of algorithm’s parameter.


what will be the code

Hi Soumyadeep,

Here’s the code for the same.

from sklearn.svm import SVC
svm_clf = SVC(gamma=“auto”), y_train)
