Machine learning withspark

please explain the below command in the MACHINE LEARNING WITH SPARK MOVIE LENS EXAMPLE

val als = new

and => r(2).asInstanceOf[Float] - r(4).asInstanceOf[Float])
.map(x => x*x)
+ _)

Let me break into parts:

Creating an instance of the ALS - Alternating Least Squares algorithm:
new ALS()

Setting various parameters on the algorithm:


Telling the algorithm which column in data corresponds to user, item and rating:

Calculating the difference of actual verses prediced observations: => r(2).asInstanceOf[Float] - r(4).asInstanceOf[Float])

Calculating the square of differences computed in the previous step:

.map(x => x*x)

Removing the Not-a-number or invalid values:
.filter(! *.isNaN)*

Computing the sum of all values:
.reduce(_ + _)

In summary, it is calculating the sum of square of differences between actual vs prediced values.