Machine Learning[Cricket as Example]

Machine Learning

Just like a :man_teacher:human,a :computer:computer can learn :books: from three sources. :thinking:

  • One is Observing :face_with_raised_eyebrow: what others did in similar situations.

  • The second is observing a situation :woman_technologist: and trying to come up with best possible logic on the spot to :woman_pilot: decide/conclude .

  • The third is learning :clipboard: from previous mistakes/success :shield: .

There are 3 Categories of :moyai: Machine Learning Algorithms :gear:

:baby: [Supervised Learning ] :child: [Unsupervised Learning] :boy: [Reinforcement Learning]

:blue_book: Supervised Learning : You go on a cricket inn’s batting :cricket_bat_and_ball: and don’t stop until you complete your target score whoever balls on your way.

It include algorithms such as Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest etc.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Unsupervised Learning : Your rival has challenged you. Now, you decide after assessing your strengths and weakness, whether to accept the challenge or become out.
It include algorithms such as k-means, apriori etc

:green_book: Reinforcement Learning : You’ve accepted the challenge. The game has begun. After every hour, you are accessing your position in the feild.
Are you loosing more wickets? Is the opponent dominating? And, accordingly you decide where to continue or attack till the last ball.

Hi @Shanmukh,

Interesting analogies :slight_smile:
