Install packages with conda

Is there a possibility to install a package like datashaders using conda? It tells me that I do not have root rights. Can someone install it for me? Unfortunately there is no possibility to use pip to install the package

Thanks for the great website


Hi @p172160155024,

Can you please check now? I’ve installed it.



Should I be able to import them to my Jupyter Notbook? I can’t see datashader when listed in conda in the webconsole,

update: I tried logging in and out but no change? Can you specify what I have to do to get it working?

Thanks for the help


Roeland Bom

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Hi @p172160155024,

Yes it should be available in Jupyter.


Hi @abhinav

I tried it again but no result

I also tried it using a virtual environement, but the following error shows up, can you explain to me what I am doing wrong?

Kind regards a beginner,


I am able to import datashader in jupyter.