How to use Presto on CloudxLab

We can connect to Hive and MongoDB using Presto. Please run below commands on the web console

  • For Hive, /opt/presto-cli --server localhost:4140 --catalog hive --schema default
  • For MongoDB, /opt/presto-cli --server localhost:4140 --catalog mongodb --schema default
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Hi Abhinav.

I am able to connect to presto for Hive and MongoDB via web console. When I am just trying to run the command:

show tables from default;

I am getting the following error message:

Error running command: Failed to connect to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:4140

Can you help?

Thank you,

I retry again today to just run the query in Presto and still getting this error:

presto:default> show tables from default;
Error running command: Failed to connect to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:4140

What am I missing here? Is this a jave lib issue?

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