How to install tensorflow 2.0

Hi Team,

I am trying to install TF 2.0 , But not successful , can anyone pls help me here . I have tried following commands but no result , it still showing me 1.14.0 version.

!pip install tensorflow==2.0.0
!pip install --upgrade tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0-rc0
!pip install --upgrade tensorflow


Hi @Aman_Deep,

We are working on making TF2 available on CloudxLab.

Please give us 3-4 days time. We will work on the same.


Hello Sir,

Thanks for the update. Would we be able to submit our assignment then using TF Keras sequential API ?


Yes, we will be able to submit the assignments using TF2 Keras sequential API

ver. 2 seems to have some good updates but Some older libs like tflearn doesn’t support tensorflow 2. For learning purpose tflearn seems to have some ready made classes like RandomForest and SGDClassifier.

So might be wise to stick with tensorflow 1 for now. Maybe use tf 2 in venv.