Hive Load File from Local


I am trying to load sales.log file into Hive table after copying it to my local as per the course video(sqoop export from Hive to MySql). While trying, i am getting either of the errors and I suspect the error 2 is because of access issue. It works when i copy the file to HDFS. Could you please let me know why i get this error?

Hi @senthiljdpm ,

Are you running above query in Hue? If yes, then Hue might not be aware of the local filesystem.

Can you please try to load data from HDFS if you are on Hue?

Please note that above command will work when you use Hive from your web console.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for replying Abhinav. I am using this command from terminal connecting to using my credentials. Hope its same as connect thru web console. Please clarify

Hi @senthiljdpm,

Yes, it is same. We can connect to Linux box using any SSH client.