Hadoop and BigData - Interview Questions

It would be great if CloudxLab does the following in future.

1.Post videos or cheat sheets with frequently asked questions and answers for attending job interviews.
2. Share links on sites and others ways to find and apply for hadoop and big data jobs.

Hi Ashok,

Noted your feedback.

Also, you can check our Spark interview questions here.It is comprehensive and will provide you answers to frequently asked questions.

Hope this helps.


The second set of interview questions are available here: https://www.knowbigdata.com/blog/interview-questions-apache-spark-part-2

Hi Abhinav

The link is not available. Can you please recheck the URL.

Hi Sandeep

The link is not available. Can you please recheck the URL.

Hi @mzeesoofally,

Please find the updated interview questions here.

Please find quest:

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