How can I create a graphFrame in R jupyter notebook?
Hi Smeet,
Kindly refer to these links as enlisted below:—
For Python:
For R:
Basically, designed for Apache Spark. this package provides a DataFrame based API for seamless execution of Data Visualizations & various Graphs as a part of the package. Provides the functionality of GraphX accompanied with the advantage of Spark Dataframes.
GraphFrames can be used in Jupyter Notebooks as well as in R Studio.
With the usage of GraphFrames, it is possible to express the query(ies) over the Graph. These queries are basically SQL based or Dataframe based queries.
Functionality of GraphFrames:—
Graphframes package is designed with numerous standard graph algorithms that are in-built within the scope of this package. Some of the popular standard graph algorithms include:-
a) Shortest Path (i.e. Euclidean Distance, Manhattan’s Distance & others)
b) Page Rank
c) Breadth-First Search
d) Usage of Motifs in identification of Complex Relationships etc.
Hope this helps you!!!
where is the notebook to write the code and run the program.In morning i had got notebook to practice the code,suddenly it is missed what to do?plz help me.