Expunge , deleting files from hadoop trash


  1. Does .Trash directory exist for all users individually or is it one .Trash for all users?

  2. How to delete my deleted files from the trash directory ? Below command did not work -
    [amit3tyagi2316@cxln4 ~]$ hadoop fs -expunge -fs .Trash/210324050639/user/amit3tyagi2316

  3. [amit3tyagi2316@cxln4 ~]$ hadoop fs -expunge
    Above command gives below error -
    Access denied for user amit3tyagi2316. Superuser privilege is required

Thanks and Regards,

It is better explained here: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-common/FileSystemShell.html#expunge

Thanks Sandeep !!!

I had come here after reading that link also searched internet in vain.
Below is also not working -

[amit3tyagi2316@cxln4 ~]$ hadoop fs -expunge -immediate
-expunge: Illegal option -immediate

Hi Amit,

Yes, you are right. The expunge command is to be run only by the superuser/root.

But if you delete “.Trash” folder it is equivalent to removing the file completely. Here is a short experiment I just did at CloudxLab

# let's check the storage consumed by my home folder
$ hadoop fs -du -s -h /user/sandeep
222.7 M  /user/sandeep

# Now, lets delete some files
$ hadoop fs -rm -r /user/sandeep/word*

# If you see the storage consumed by my home folder is still same even after deletion
$ hadoop fs -du -s -h /user/sandeep
222.7 M  /user/sandeep

# Now, lets delete .Trash folder
$ hadoop fs -rm -r /user/sandeep/.Trash/
Deleted /user/sandeep/.Trash

# Now, the space consumed by my home folder has dropped
$ hadoop fs -du -s -h /user/sandeep
201.5 M  /user/sandeep
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Thanks Sandeep for quick reply !!!

I just find out that if we delete the .Trash directory, it is automatically created whenever any file is deleted. Experiment screenshot is attached.

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Yes, that’s right. So, no worries in deleting it.