Error for json serde in HIVE


I am getting the below error while creating a hive table for JSON processing.
I have added the jar also . Please HELP .

hive> ADD JAR hdfs:///data/hive/json-serde-;
converting to local hdfs:///data/hive/json-serde-
Added [/tmp/97b20b4b-2840-4f4e-b9ba-89618df0cca2_resources/json-serde-] to class path
Added resources: [hdfs:///data/hive/json-serde-]
hive> CREATE TABLE clickstr (a string, c string, nk int, tz string, gr string, g string, h string,l string, hh string, r string, u string, t int, h
c int, cy string, al string) ROW FORMAT SERDE ‘’;
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. Cannot validate serde: